Your consent to this Privacy Policy is exerted when you sign up for, access, or use the Servicesprovided by Mungo App. You - the User) agrees to allow Webxpay (Private) Limited the owner of the Mungoo App to use and disclose your personal information entered into our system according to the description of this Privacy Policy. 1. Overview: Mungo App Application shall request you to provide information about yourself, including your National ID/ Passport, Tax Identification Number (TIN), and/or bank account details for operating the Services in Mungo App and also for reducing the risk of fraudulent activities. We process your information with utmost importance, care and use this information conforming to the terms of this Privacy Policy. The term “information” refers to any confidential and/or individually identifiable information or other information related to users of Mungo App Services in this Privacy Policy. We will not share, rent or sell your information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your Explicit written consent. In case we need to convey your information to any third party for completing your requested Mungo App service, we will share the required information under strict restriction and adhering to Third Party Privacy Policy. If you use any third party website via Mungo App or use third party website to access Mungo App services, you will need to review the privacy statements of those websites. Mungo App will not be responsible for the information practice of the third parties. Changes to this Privacy Policy: All future changes to this Privacy Policy will be done as per the existing laws of the Land and shall be posted on our website and will be applicable from the date of posting such changes. It will be considered that you have consented to the updated Privacy Policy once it is being posted on the website. If you have any disagreement with the updated Privacy Policy, then you may close your account at any time noticing the Mungo App. Please check Mungo App website regularly for the latest version of the Privacy Policy. 2. Information 2.1 Basic Information: In order to sign up for Mungo App account or use Mungo App Services, you must provide your name, phone number, email address, photograph, Identity Card No and other required identification information. For adding or withdrawing money to your Mungo App account from your personal bank account, you must provide bank account information which will be verified by Mungo App. We may also request you to provide other verification documents before processing any transaction which is not consistent with your regular transaction or is of a very high amount. You agree to cooperate Mungo App in these verification process by providing the required information. Public information about your business size, customer base and usual transactions might be collected from social media platform, other Mungo App account holders or other sources for accessing goodwill, trustworthiness and solvency check of your account and business. 2.2 Device Identification: Device sign on data (device ID, geolocation, etc) will be used by Mungo App to provide smooth experience of Mungo App services. Internet address (IP address) and other identifying information about the computer or device you use to access your Mungo App account will be tracked for helping us detect possible instances of unauthorized transactions. 2.3 Transaction Information: For complying with anti-money laundering and counter terrorism obligations under the Laws, Rules and regulations of the Govt. of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka shall apply . Your commercial and/or personal identification information shall be recorded if you send or receive transaction of high amount or frequency. If you send or receive high overall payment volumes through the Mungo App Services, or are suspected of being engaged in any suspicious transaction, Mungo App in collaboration with Central Bank of Sri Lanka , the Department of Exchange Control and other relevant authorities of Sri Lanka will conduct a background check on your business by gathering information about you and your business, its directors, shareholders and partners. Mungo App, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to periodically retrieve and review a business and/or consumer information and is authorized to close an account based on information obtained during these reviews and by signing this Privacy Policy you undertake to make available any information requested to ensure that your account is in compliance with the laws in force in Sri Lanka . 2.4 Web Catches and Website Traffic: For ensuring smooth and efficient Mungo App services, your IP address, browser, and time related information for accessing Mungo App website will be stored in our server; web address of sites that you routed you to or from Mungo App website may also be received. Session cookies, web cookies, pixel tags, web beacons or other similar technologies will be used to place small text or image files in your computer for facilitating user friendly performance of Mungo App application. Mungo will not be liable for the contents of the same 2.5 Contacting Prospective Users: When an Mungo App user attempts to send Mungo App service request to users who have not yet signed up in Mungo App, Mungo App may retain the service requested and information provided regarding the prospective user for contacting them for marketing purpose. For example, a text message may be sent to their number notifying them about the Mungo App service you wanted to share with them. 3. Use of Collected Information 3.1 Internal Use: Your information is collected, stored and processed in servers located in Sei Lanka which is used to provide you with a smooth, safe, efficient and customized experience of Mungo App application. The provided information will be used to process your Mungo App transactions, troubleshoot problems, resolve disputes, provide customer support service and customize your Mungo App user experience. 3.2 Communicating with You: We will also communicate with you using the information that you provided to complete processing of Mungo App services or verify any important information or actions like investigating suspicious or illegal transaction, responding to customer service requests, complaints or claims. Promotional offers, service updates and other marketing information will also be provided to you through the contact information that you provided. 3.3 Information Shared with Other Mungo App Users: Your basic information like name, phone number, email address, transaction amount and transaction time, etc will be shared with the other Mungo App User or prospective user to whom you send Mungo App service request. The information shared may vary with the service you request and the type of Mungo App account you maintain; additional information about your business may be revealed if you are making transactions through a business account. When payments for goods or purchases are made through Mungo App, Buyer’s and Seller’s address and payment details may be revealed for aiding in delivery and dispute resolution. 3.4 Information Shared with Third Party: Several third party like the bank, mobile operator and other service providers will need access to specific information for completion of your requested Mungo App services. We will only disclose the required information to third parties. 3.5 Your Use of Mungo App Information: You will receive information of other Mungo App users when carrying out any transaction with them. You may only use this information for facilitating Mungo App service related communication, action or transaction; this information will not be used for any other purpose without taking explicit consent of the Mungo App user by disclosing the purpose adequately. 3.6 Surveys and Questionnaires: When you answer the optional questionnaire or survey, information provided in them may be used for improving Mungo App services, marketing and/or advertising purpose as described in the survey. 3.7 Audit and Legal Compliance: Your information and transaction history shall be viewed by the auditors for confirming the accuracy of our record. However, auditors will not have the right of using your personally identifiable information for any other purpose. Information related to illegal or suspicious activity carried out from your account needs to be made available to law enforcing body, Central Bank or any other applicable jurisdiction when requested. 3.8 Mergers or Acquisition: If Mungo App merges with other company or is acquired by another company, the successor company will have access to your information maintained by Mungo App. 4. Your Information is Secured: Mungo App maintains your information with the highest level of integrity. Our firewalls, data encryption and computer and network safeguards protect your information and balance around the clock. Only authorized employees can access our office, network and files for completing the actions needed for smooth functioning of the system. You can always review and change your personal information from the account setting page of your Mungo App account. You can also close your account at any time if there is no investigation being conducted against it. After you close your account, we will mark your account status as ‘Closed’ and keep your information in our database for future reference.